Generali is a company open to innovation. In its Group strategy 2019-2021, “innovation and digital transformation” is established as one of the three main pillars.

Generali Spain launches an innovation challenge to the startup community to incorporate the best experiences and external talent, optimizing the identification of strategic insurance solutions for its clients, even anticipating their needs. Generali is a company in continuous research and adjustment of its products and services to the latest trends and advanced solutions.

Generali España (, belongs to Generali Group and is one of the main insurance companies in the Spanish market. Operating in the country since 1834, it has a leading position, providing service to more than 3 million customers, including both individuals and companies. With one of the largest branch networks in Spain, the company has nearly 1,600 customer service points. It also offers a complete range of insurance products, where personalized solutions and innovation are the key. A way of understanding the sector that achieves excellent figures, such as customer satisfaction: 8 out of 10 would recommend the insurance company, according to a study of more than 650,000 customers. In addition, Generali Spain has been certified as one of the best companies to work for according to Top Employers 2020.

The Generali Group is an independent Italian group with a strong international presence. Founded in 1831, it is one of the largest global insurers, present in more than 50 countries and with a total premium income of more than 69.7 billion euros in 2019. With over 72,000 employees worldwide and 61 million customers, the Group holds a leading position in the European markets and has an increasingly significant presence in the Asian and Latin American ones. Generali’s ambition is to be its customers’ lifelong partner, offering innovative and customised solutions thanks to an unrivalled distribution network.


Generali is looking for startups in the eHealth sector that will allow the company to offer new solutions, products and services to the market.

On the one hand, Generali aims to find innovative and disruptive solutions in the field of telemedicine, as well as to design new business models.

Within this framework, the Company seeks new ways to interact with its customers in a personalized way, and especially to promote contact with customers living in geographical areas with lower population density.

On the other hand, Generali wants to extend its offer to new customers and market segments through innovative and differential products, as well as through prevention and value-added services.