The Accelerator of Puertos del Estado

The KPMG-Innsomnia joint venture is constituted as the incubator/accelerator associated to Ports 4.0, with the aim of mentoring, incubating, accelerating and following up ideas and projects that are both in their design and implementation phase in the of the Ports 4.0 Fund, and thus maximize the success rate of activities that are financed by it.

The largest Open Innovation fund for the logistics-port ecosystem

The Ports 4.0 capital fund is the corporate open innovation model adopted by State Ports and Spanish Port Authorities to attract, support and provide the application of talent and entrepreneurship to the spanish logistics-port sector public and private in the context of the 4th industrial revolution. The main objective of the Fund is to actively promote and incorporate disruptive or incremental innovation as an element of competitiveness, efficiency, sustainability, security and security in the Spanish logistics-port sector, both public as private to facilitate their transition to the 4.0 economy.