Reale Seguros is a leading insurance company in the Spanish market, where it has been present since 1988. It belongs to the Reale Group whose parent company, Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, with almost two centuries of history, is the largest Italian insurance company in the form of a mutual company. Reale Group, constituted by thirteen companies in the insurance, banking, finance, real estate and services sectors, is present in Spain, Italy and Chile, employs more than 3,100 people and insures more than 3.8 million clients.

Within their DNA, which has allowed them to be more than 190 years in the market, they continue to explore innovation strategies relevant to their future and the future of insurance.

And the best way to shape that future is to actively face up to the ongoing changes by constantly seeking out ideas and projects aimed at improving everyday life.

Reale Seguros challenge

In its first call Reale Seguros launched one challenge to the startup community for the innovation of new products, services and strategic corporate areas. The entity was looking for solutions across two verticals, with the aim of integrating the latest technological innovations into their current business model.


Reale Seguros has looked for startups capable of addressing the company’s Senior & Silver Economy challenges. Therefore, the company sought innovative services and solutions that generate new opportunities through new models, disruptive technologies or partnerships, focusing on the Senior client or user and their environment. This challenge aimed to have an impact on the areas of preventive health and well-being and the care and assistance of the elderly and dependent people.


Reale Seguros was seeking startups that enable the entity to offer the market new solutions to ensure goods, services, experiences or relevant concepts to the client, and through technology, alternative business models (cybersecurity, mobility, gadgets, digital identity, online reputation) and a great user experience, generate a high impact and distinctive value in the market.