Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar is the leading cooperative financial group in Spain, representing and being the main reference for cooperative banking in the country. It is currently made up of 18 credit cooperatives and the Cooperative Social Credit Bank, which acts as the lead institution. It has more than 1.000 offices and branches, and 5.500 employees, providing service to 3.5 million clients. Due to its assets, which exceed 48,000 million euros, and the managed turnover, which exceeds 80,000 million, it is one of the 12 significant entities and groups in the Spanish financial system.

Cajamar cooperative bank is doing a great job during the current crisis situation triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting families, workers who have lost their jobs and companies that have been closed down and suspended, with measures that help them to mitigate the economic impact suffered, in many cases, relying on Innovation as a key tool to leverage their offering of products and services. In addition, and with a more comprehensive vision, the company is committed to the digital transformation as the engine that will drive the future growth of a social, sustainable and competitive economy. To this end, Grupo Cajamar relies on the Startup Community and open innovation to include the latest and best solutions in its business model.

Therefore, Cajamar cooperative banking has launched one challenge open to the startup community for the innovation of new products, services and strategic corporate areas. The objective of this challenge was to provide solutions and new business opportunities for the self-employed, freelancers and SMEs, to help them with new services and support them in managing their daily lives and in their quest for other markets.


Cajamar launched a challenge to provide solutions for the daily life needs of the self-employed, freelancers and SMEs. For this reason, Cajamar was looking for a platform or tool with a 360º vocation which will support this group of professionals and companies, not only through a personalized BFM-PFM, but also as a global solution or assistant which includes or complements the following services, both financial and non-financial:

  • Data and account aggregation
  • Financial Planning: Income, Payments, Cards and Invoices
  • Financial dashboard visualization (Control and Monitoring)
  • Cash Flow Forecast
  • Business Intelligence and Financial Alerts
  • Accounting and CRM integration, tax automation and tax advice
  • Legal advice