Where things

This is how Innsomnia was born

Two teams with more than 10 years of experience in different fields of innovation joined together in 2016 to create a new business model to take companies into the digital age. We knew the world’s great technology leaders, whom we see weekly in the large international events in the Northern Hemisphere. We had contact with the first startups that emerged in Spain.

We had extensive experience with classic economic companies and knew the problems and internal financing needs of SMEs in the field of innovation. We had it almost everything, all that was left to do was to unite it into one big project and take action. That’s how Innsomnia was born.

Vídeo provided by la Marina de Valencia.

Specialists and independents

When a project is born in a sector to be built, the first thing it must aspire to is to be singular, to have their own business model. That’s why we are planning to be the first accelerator of Spain specialized by technological verticals and be truly independent, both to the corporations as well as to the startups themselves. We practically only work with companies and we live from the recurrence of our clients, that is, we live from the credibility and the seriousness of our work.

International and local

Our international connections allowed us not only to see in advance what others were doing, but also prompted us to create an international network of accelerators to to exchange talent. We take the global to the local. And we globalize local developments.

The Hub where innovators dream

Our headquarters are shared by more than 40 companies, many startups and some departments of large corporations, such as Eleven Paths, Telefonica’s cyber security subsidiary that is ending to incorporate into our ecosystem. We live day by day in the same workplace more than 250 professionals and startups from different areas of digitalization, in a place where the innovators dream, create and transform society.

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